Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Misc Equipment (2108 Posts)
Product Review
slide show
On 6/20/2000 danny wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

Does anyone know where I can get the video "slide show". I guess it has a bunch of dudes from Dregs on it, and it shows them bomb the hill they used for the Campo race. Seems like it'd be rad. Thanks for the help.

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On 6/18/2000 DT wrote in from (63.30.nnn.nnn)

No word right now, but i will be seeing him next weekend. He is in Zurich right now at the EDI race.

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wind sail
On 6/17/2000 jonnieo wrote in from (216.224.nnn.nnn)

A while ago some friends and I tried a small sail from a hobbie cat (I think it was a steering sail or something, i don't know anything about sailing). We ended up holding down the pole that went along the bottom of the sail with our foot, then holding the vertical pole. It kinda worked on the basketball courts at the elementry school. The biggest problem was the bottom pole hitting the ground when she turned.

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On 6/17/2000 Blah wrote in from (209.132.nnn.nnn)

There has been a few sliding gloves on the market. Most notably are the ones designed by Cliff Coleman (Cliffsliders, yes, they do exist), but I don't know if they will be available anytime soon (what's the word on those DT?).

My personal method I've posted before is using wrist guards with the plastic splints taken out (both top and bottom). Screw a block of wood to them and then screw plastic to the wood. Works well, and holds much better than any glue, just make sure you either put a really large piece of plastic on their or wear leather gloves underneath so you don't burn your fingers. If I had a scanner or a digicam I would be able to post pictures and how to make them, but I don't.

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On 6/17/2000 Adam wrote in from (63.192.nnn.nnn)

You need to rough up the cutting board plastic before gluing. I use a wood saw to cut back and forth across the entire area I plan on shoe gooing. My gloves are still together! This method won't last as long as some of the others posted here, like screws or laces, but it's fast and easy.

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On 6/17/2000 SXE PHIL wrote in from (63.39.nnn.nnn)

I've made myself some gloves by using a piece of plastic cutting board and shoe goo for adhesive. My problem is that shoe goo doesn't seem to hold to good because I'm glueing the plastic back on for the 3rd time. What other types of glues can I use. Also, when is someone gonna make good slide gloves and put them on the market? any rumors of companies thinking of doing this? Thanx to anyone who answers my questions. Later.

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On 6/16/2000 Jake wrote in from (24.16.nnn.nnn)

hey those are purty kool

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Sliding Gloves
On 6/16/2000 Chris wrote in from (208.164.nnn.nnn)

Jake, I think you're talking about me. They're not really gloves but pads held to my hands with elastic straps, although you can wear gloves with them. They're real easy to make. I post directions on this some time ago on Nose Wheelie. Check out


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them cool gloves
On 6/15/2000 Jake wrote in from (24.16.nnn.nnn)

hey i was looking at the dump road pics on hugh's page and i saw those cool sliding gloves someone was wearing. anyone know where i can get them?

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hand-held sails
On 6/15/2000 Ryan wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

Is anyone using a held-held sail like the skimbat, windskate (not to mention the one from pegasus sports and others) along flat boardwalks? I've been thinking about picking up a windskate sail. I've used traction kites and windsurfing rigs with my mountainboard, but I don't want to bolt a mast base to my longboards and the boardwalk is too narrow to fly a kite.


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More on ramps
On 6/14/2000 Neil G wrote in from (198.169.nnn.nnn)

I agree with pre-school rider, for launch ramps cutting notches into the templates is overkill. Screw them in from the sides and have done with it. For half-pipes you've got to do the notches.

Another tip for launches: if you can find a strip of sheet metal, using it to cover the leading edge of the launch (where it meets the street) will make a smoother transition for you to ride up and save the ramp from getting too badly chewed.


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Launch Ramp Addenda
On 6/13/2000 Pre-School Rider wrote in from (209.198.nnn.nnn)

Sarah,if you've got 1/2",5/8",or 3/4" thick plywood,you can make your launch-ramp.Neil has got some good tips,esp. about using screws,as nails just suck on ramps.As for how to utilize a sheet of ply for the ramp's launch deck + get the side pieces too,take your 4ft x 8ft ply and make it 6-1/2ft x 4ft;that's your launch ramp's deck.What's left over is 4ft x 1-1/2ft,which cut diagonally(possibly with that curvature Neil mentioned)becomes the sides of your launch ramp.There's no need to cut slots for the 2x4's to rest on,just screw them in from the sides,at 6"-8" intervals.The 2x4 closest to lip of the ramp may have to be doubled up to create a 4"x4".A note on sinking screws through ply into 2bys;Drill the ply,put the 2x centered on the holes,then sink the screws(soap on screws works great,too).Where the ramp deck meets the tar(the pointy end of the ramp),shave/sand the ply so it meets the tar flush. Reinforce the deck's underside here with more ply,or with slat wood laid flat against the underside of the deck.I also put handles on the sides for easy moving of the launch(Cellar bulkhead doorhandles).Screw through the deck,down the middle,into each 2 x 4 to keep the deck fitted to the curve(if any)and to add stiffness.Before riding,check any screws that may protrude,tighten as necessary.I think that's all I can add without sending you drawings.Let us know how ya'll do. :)

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skateboard shoes
On 6/13/2000 Sonny wrote in from (216.54.nnn.nnn)

First of all... Sarah... you are a badass! Girls on launch ramps always get my motor running. HE HE. Anyway what is up with these newfangled skate shoes. The other day I twisted both of my ankles because I was tryin to ollie a 45" board with running shoes on...Lesson learned. I immediately went to the skate shop and bought some on sale skate shoes (ES swords). They seem to have great cushioning which is a plus because my feet suck (high arches always hurting etc). I was wondering what is up with these padded tounges. They are squeezing my feet all day and makeing otherwise great shoes uncomfortable. Is the padding there for casper type tricks or something. Is is possible to take some or most of the padding out and then have more normal type shoes? Thanks for any input you have....

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Core Sports
On 6/13/2000 Bob wrote in from (192.73.nnn.nnn)

I met a guy from the magazine at ASR. They seemed really cool.

I must admit, however, that I did not buy the mag. I guess that its fairly high price was hard for me to justify, since skateboarding was a small fraction of its contents. I'm just not interested in the other sports.


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Generic ramp plans
On 6/13/2000 Neil G wrote in from (198.169.nnn.nnn)

Get some 3/4" plywood, a string, a pencil and a jig saw. Decide what radius you want the transitions to be. Big vert ramps usually have 9 - 10 foot trannies, mini-ramps usually 8', launches usually 6' or so. Cut a piece of string to the radius you want, tie a pencil on one end and use it as a big-ass compass to draw the curve on the plywood. You're on your own figuring out how best to use your plywood sheet. Cut out the curve with the jigsaw. When you're done, you should have a thing that looks like a right angle triangle but with the long side curved in.

You'll need at least two of these templates, one for each side. If you're building a big ramp you need one every 4 feet. Use 2X6's to build a frame to support the templates. One piece on the bottom, one vertically, one diagonally from top to bottom. You should have some cross bracing on the back.

Cut notches in the curved template edge to take 2X4s. Where there's room they should be on edge, ie the notch is 1.5" wide by 3.5" deep. For a big ramp you'll need a 2X4 every 6 or 8" in the bottom half of the tranny, every foot or so in the top. For launches it doesn't have to be so strong. When you've got your templates standing up with the 2X6 frame and everything, lay the 2X4's in the notches and screw them in to the template. I forgot to mention, use screws for everything.

Once you've got your frame, templates and 2X4s in place, you're ready to lay plywood. For a big ramp, 2 layers of 3/8 or 7/16" plywood, then a layer of maysonite. Screw each layer into the 2X4's with drywall screws. Make sure when you're layering plywood to stagger the seams, so that the seams of the second layer aren't overtop of the seams of the first layer.

For launch ramps, you don't need to follow all the instructions as you usually don't land back on a launch ramp. But for half-pipes, trust me when I say that compromising on the construction is a big mistake.


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launch ramp
On 6/12/2000 brian wrote in from (206.105.nnn.nnn)

sarah, you could probably use two or three 2 by 6 or 8 inch boards placed verticly underneath your ply. cut the slant how you want it, then slap the ply and skrew that sucker on.

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Slider gloves
On 6/12/2000 Herbn wrote in from (207.198.nnn.nnn)

Yoo doobie,those are my instructions exactly,search slider gloves,and you should find my posts.UHMW is godly

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Kickerz and such
On 6/12/2000 Jonas wrote in from (64.12.nnn.nnn)

Sarah, try ramprage.com. They have plans for ramps,rails,etc. The launch2 is a older design that is very functional. Ramptech no longer sells blueprints seperately,but sell a pre-fab plastic kicker that is built to last.

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Launch Ramp
On 6/12/2000 Sarah wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

Hello everyone! I want to build a small launch ramp, about curb height or a little higher. I searched the archives but there wasn't any info on this subject. I have a large piece of plywood, and access to my dad's saws, hammers, etc. I'm not sure how to build the ribs of the ramp or even if I need to. I have only ever seen plans for big ramps, and I don't want to "wing" this because I want it to be safe. Anybody have any tips or experience with this? Thanks in advance. Sarah

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sliding gloves HELP!!!
On 6/12/2000 DOOBIE wrote in from (168.191.nnn.nnn)

Umm...I wear leather gloves I got at a truck stop, a Flying-J. I was wondering how I could make these into sliding gloves. I have tons of power tools that we used for fabricating parts for soap box derby cars(downhill, you drive it and NO I'm not a boy scout). I was thinking of outing out a section in a plastic piece and lacing through countersunk holes. Will this work? Any other ideas? Any help would be appreciated.
-- DOOBIE --

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Maheraja Wakeskate
On 6/11/2000 Jonas wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

Looks like the ski-maker is one step closer to makink skateboards.The Wakeskate is a twist on the wakeboard concept and worth checking out further... 48-54" long and 16" wide and as far as I can tell doesn't use bindings.Check it out at www.mahaskis.com.

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On 6/9/2000 flexo wrote in from (131.109.nnn.nnn)

all you have to do is go down to the toy store, buy a finger snowboard and a tech deck. Next you take the trux off the sk8 and the bindings of the snobord. scrape the graffix of the snoboard and get some STRONG glue, (epoxy works well and can be purchased at a hardware store) stick the Tech Trucks onto the snoboard, grab a griptape scrap and you're carving it up in the sink!

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Carve vs. Carve
On 6/5/2000 Ali wrote in from (212.48.nnn.nnn)

What's up with this? *TWO* Carve's?


So who's gonna sue who?

Carve on!


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Core Sports Magazine
On 6/4/2000 Sarah wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

It's really disappointing that Core went under. As far as I know, it was the only magazine of it's kind. I have all the issues-what were there, 3 or 4?, something like that. At $5.99 a pop, I thought they would make enough money to keep going, but I guess a lot of people didn't buy it due to the high price. Oh well...

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Core Sports
On 6/1/2000 DT wrote in from (209.223.nnn.nnn)

Yes, Core Sports did go under due to too much overhead. which was a shame since that was a very well made magazine

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