Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Cliff Coleman on Sliding and Safety

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Q&A: Cliff Coleman on Sliding and Safety (1159 Posts)
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UCSD on Saturday
On 5/18/2005 Chris Chaput wrote in from United States  (66.116.nnn.nnn)

How many of you sliders are going to be at UCSD on Saturday? I'll be there for the Longboarding Class. I talked to Cliff earlier about it. Too bad he has to be in Vancouver that weekend. Let's finish up those boards and ride!

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renagade slider
On 5/17/2005 jonny miller wrote in from United States  (64.12.nnn.nnn)

JUST WANT TO SAY THAT THANKS CLIFF.people that ride a board with 8 wheels ,2 trucks that atach to a board , well you should slide........I my self have been on a board my hole life, sk8ing in , on and around just about every thing.coleman in person is a experience it self , not to mention the sk8 boarding.you should all find some way to learn what CLIFF COLEMANhas to say. You may think you are a great sk8 boarder,so did i, well this sliding thing takes this to a nother level my fellow sk8ers......find a way to slide...... SAN DIEGO NINJA'S rock.... allfour of you. kia.thanksss....NORSKE,once again it was good to hang out bro.... now ,those hills in my town that i never thought of sk8ing on, well it is as safe going downas it is going up..J miller

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Nice Silverfish Article
On 5/17/2005 Bruce "Norski" wrote in from United States  (64.42.nnn.nnn)

Kai, great job on the silverfish article! It was a pleasure to meet you and your fellow Ninja Bombers' and Skate-Mate Fox. How cool is it to have a Babe thats into skate'n & slide'n! When I first saw you guys throw a few slides, I was wondering who was gonna teach who! Can't wait to see the CW article.

Cliff, many thanks my friend! I finally made it to one of your clinics after many urgings. Wish I would have listened to you earlier. You are a very patient and thorough teacher. If Cliff can teach this "old dog" a new trick, anybody can be taught.

Jonny, your stoke is incredible and very contagious! I really dig hang'n out with you Bro. Thanks for all the hospitality. I finally got to experience one of your Ranch Bashes, can't wait for the next one!! I'm take'n a nap next time, so I don't miss the shenanigans that go on past my bed time.

Bill, always a pleasure to skate and hang with you. You were kill'n it, I was very impressed with your progress during the clinic and the slalom runs the next day. What your doing with those Cambria kids is awesome, stokin the future for sure.

DHB'r Mark, great to meet you as well, way to represent! It would be cool to run some cones with you at an event soon. Hope you get a Vegas scene happen'n soon.

Be sure to catch one of Cliff's clinics if one comes to your area, you won't regret it!!

L8r SK8rs'_Norski

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SLO Slide Clinic
On 5/17/2005 Cliff Coleman wrote in from United States  (68.127.nnn.nnn)

Returned home last night after a great weekend with the slide students. I'd like tyo thank Johnny Miller for helping to make the weekend so much fun. His party with hundreds attending after the clinic was rocking! BBQ, Bands, ramp for skating etc, etc.

The students ALL left with new sliding skills. The Ninjas from San Diego were putting on a show for the newbies. I hope your crew can make a trip to slide in Berkeley with me in June. Marrietta from San Diego is like most Women I see sliding, very smooth technique.

Bruce Bjortvedt and Bill Boothby are now officialy sliders! So is Mark Jackson from Vegas. These people are great to hang with. It was quite satisfying to see them learn to slide.

Johnny Miller was ripping long smooth slides immediately. He is stoked to be a slider!

Keep tuned to see who and where the next Clinic will take place.

Cliff Coleman

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all sliding videos?
On 5/16/2005 john wrote in from United States  (67.122.nnn.nnn)

Can somebody post up the best sliding videos? (If they exist).

I have the first bones brigade video. that's pretty good, I'd just like to
see more. different boards. different hills. But limited largely to
hill riding with sliding.

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Thanks For Fueling A DHB's Stoke!
On 5/16/2005 North Carolina Longboarder- DownHill Billies wrote in from United States  (166.82.nnn.nnn)

Thanks for fueling the stoke of the DHB's Las Vegas, NV rep, Mark Jackson (see previous post). Man, that must have been one heck of a great skating time had by all! Got to get to one of those for sure! Maybe Dave G can have you come out to WV during the slalom races in the fall and put on a clinic up there...or heck, maybe we can get you here to North Carolina for a slide clinic! Drop me an email and let me know what would be involved to put something like that together on the East Coast.

Mark J: Dude, thanks for spreading the word on the DHB's!

Marion Karr
North Carolina Longboarder

"Fueling The Stoke One Hillbilly at a Time!"

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SLO weekend
On 5/16/2005 Mark J wrote in from United States  (65.60.nnn.nnn)

Wanted to say thanks again to Cliff for the great clinic. I'm back
home, sore as can be and sunburnt to a crisp. I'm sure I picked myself
up off the pavement 50 times. Cliff, you're the man and I can't thank
you enough - what a great weekend. I can't wait to heal and get out on
a hill to practice. Thanks!!

The 4 Ninja bombers - you guys kick ass. Watching Kai, Graham and Mark
slide was an added bonus that was just great. Nice to meet all of you.

Johnny Miller - what can I say. Thank you for the hospitality. I sure
wasn't expecting a party like that. That was the reason I moved to California
20 years ago. Thanks.

Bruce and Bill - It was a pleasure meeting and hanging with the both of
you this weekend. Hope to see you again.

Well - back to work in the desert.

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should have sent a poet
On 5/15/2005 Malakai Kingston wrote in from United States  (68.8.nnn.nnn)

Mad respect and props being thrown out, Had a great time at the clinic and hope that more and more people can be exposed to your teaching. Your a great guy even extending beyond your skills as a skater, slider and teacher. Look foreward to skating agin...

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Coleman Slide Clinic
On 5/15/2005 NBS_Graham wrote in from United States  (68.101.nnn.nnn)

Back in SD. There will be detailed reports, articles etc. that describe the event better than I have time for here and now, but let me be the first to post that the Coleman Slide Clinic was a huge success. There were sliders of all skill levels and Cliff had something to teach us all. I consider myself an advanced slider, but within fifteen minutes of our arrival at Johnny Miller's ranch Cliff was answering questions and had revealed the one secret I was most anxious to learn (how to slide backwards around a corner--the way he does in Flow).

The road trip was organized and executed by our Malakai Kingston --without whom our crew would not even exist and to whom I personally extend my highest honor and gratitude--and his girlfriend, Fox. Cliff, needless to say, was every bit the venerable sensei we were expecting. Furthermore, I am proud to count the great pioneer, master, and promoter of sliding as a valued friend. I am determined to see and skate with him again soon. Danny Miller made a huge and lasting impression with his charisma, skating skill and adventursome lifestyle. Every minute spent at the ranch was a great pleasure and I spent the entire trip home pondering how I might move from SD and come live in SLO immediately. Thank you, all involved, and expect more reports soon.

... must not forget to mention the top vert skaters we sessioned with: Evan aka Savage stood out considerably and I shouldn't be suprised to see him soon rise to among to top skaters of his chosen disipline. Stray Donkeys weren't bad, either.

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Slide Clinic
On 5/13/2005 NBS_Graham wrote in from United States  (206.190.nnn.nnn)

Four of us are departing SD shortly -- expect us at the camp ground some time tonight (we're stopping for a session in Hollywood). Keep the party stoked until we get there!

I'm sporting new ABEC 11 65mm 88duro NoSkools--I feel like a god.

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Lush Longboards
On 5/13/2005 Cliff Coleman wrote in from United States  (68.127.nnn.nnn)

Thanks for all of your help guys! Lush is helping make the skating scene happen in the UK. They do so much and deserve the thanks of us all! Imagine skating where Robin Hood lived in the 13th century. Then Bristol, followed by Faltown in Cornwall.

Can't wait!

Cliff Coleman

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slide clinic tickets
On 5/13/2005 lush longboards wrote in from United Kingdom  (81.134.nnn.nnn)

and on that note - tickets can be got at http://www.lushlongboards.com/shop/events-c-177.html?osCsid=f4efe5040fe92ee14c1a1a3da550515c
they are selling fast but there are a few left. we're all really looking forward to skating with you again cliff!

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On 5/12/2005 Cliff Coleman wrote in from United States  (68.127.nnn.nnn)


I wish you and Johnny the best, meeting with the Council.

It is very important that those who really want to skate with both Sergio and I, to get as many participants to sign up for the Festivals/Clinics as possible. The air fares have more than doubled since last year. It is the funds from the Festivals/Clinics that will get us there. The more skaters, the merrier! How many can contribute schwagg like last year. The Downhill Freestyle contests will be rocken! Everyone enjoyed them last year. With the skill level rising so quickly, it will be great to see.

Glad you liked the chapter in "Scarred for Life".

Cliff Coleman

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On 5/12/2005 RanDom wrote in from United Kingdom  (213.122.nnn.nnn)

Hello Cliff, Jonny and I have got parish council meetings this evening to get official road closure for slide clinic! The road is perfect so hopefully it all goes thru!
Will get back to you on that one!
P.S Just read 'scarred for life' like your section in it, i thought it was a really nice book!

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paris slide contest
On 5/12/2005 panda wrote in from France  (82.225.nnn.nnn)

everybody in the area, there's the third edition of our slide contest on the trocadero (at the feet of the eiffel tower) this sunday in paris, be sure to come if you can.

tuesday night i met a childhood friend of sergio yuppie on the trocadero, he threw down some standup 360's on a shortboard for fun as he told me he didn't have time for skating anymore... brasil is really sliding nation i guess.

see you in paris.

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On 5/11/2005 Cliff Coleman wrote in from United States  (68.127.nnn.nnn)

Looking forward to meeting all of you Ninjas. Tell your friend not to miss out. It's going to be a great weekend of skating and partying.

See you and your crew soon,
Cliff Coleman

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On 5/11/2005 Kludy wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

Hay cliff, go kick some young butt at DB4.I will be pushing on you in my mind.Use your wisdom to win the thing bro.You can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!1
If all esle fells, slide bro. slide in the hottest turn and you will win!

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SLO Clinic
On 5/11/2005 NBS_Graham wrote in from United States  (206.190.nnn.nnn)

So far there's two, possibly three, ninjas on our way up there.

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San Luis Obispo Slide Clinic
On 5/10/2005 Cliff Coleman wrote in from United States  (68.127.nnn.nnn)

Weather forecast for Saturday May 14th, 76%. The clinic is going to be a lot of fun!

See you there,
Cliff Coleman

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Bad Knee
On 5/10/2005 Mike Hall wrote in from United Kingdom  (81.77.nnn.nnn)

I started longboarding about a year ago and more recently began sliding thanks to a bloke i met in the local skate park who was cool enough to show me the basics and even gave me a pair of slide gloves. Although i'm definately improving i seem to be getting alot of aggro from my left Knee (I'm goofyfoot) due to having it bent really low against the board. I had to stop skating for a couple of weeks cos it was really painful to bend. Is this abnormal? any advice would be good cos i've just got the sliding bug and its really frustrating not being able to skate. Hopefully see you at the Bristol(UK) Slide Clinic in July, cheers Cliff.

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cYa Sliding
On 5/9/2005 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (63.196.nnn.nnn)

Ohhhhhhhh. now I see.

Dude, Let me work up something down here. I do www.powayskate.com (broadband only) site. I have about 70 kids in my club. This would be a cool event!!! Is there a site on this? If not, let me know.. I could help build one for you.

Cheers mate
Chris < www.cYask8.com > Yandall

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chaput wheel mooch; first attempt
On 5/9/2005 NBS_Graham wrote in from United States  (206.190.nnn.nnn)

"The wheels post by Chaput was a joke ... see if he will donate schwag to the event ... "

Some NoSkools or Strikers would hit the spot ...

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Glen Darcey
On 5/9/2005 Cliff Coleman wrote in from United States  (68.127.nnn.nnn)


Tell your kids that Cliff hopes to meet and skate with them some day. I haven't heard from you in a while. Hope your health is better these days? You are one of the many fine people I've had the pleaseure to meet skateboarding.

All the best to you Glen,

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SLiding and kids
On 5/9/2005 GlenD wrote in from United States  (204.120.nnn.nnn)

Cliff, how you doing?

I spent most of mothers day skating with my 11 and 13 yr old boys. They have finally gotten into skateboarding! I was teaching them how to carve low frontside and backside turns in a non-stickbug style. After that, I gave them my slide gloves and taught them how to use them to really tighten up the turns and how to slide to a stop. My younger boy took a couple of spills and was done, my older boy got totally into the sliding thing. He was using my mother driveway and would skate up it fast, backside slide and then redirect back down, sort of a sliding Backside Bert.
We live on a hill and I now feel much better about them skating on it because they now know how to stop safely.

We, had more fun just carving turns and sliding than we've ever had at a skatepark yesterday. I taught them the name Cliff Coleman and that they need to thank him for the sliding techniques that they learned second hand.

Thanks Cliff,

Glen Darcey

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On 5/8/2005 Cliff Coleman wrote in from United States  (68.127.nnn.nnn)

The wheels post by Chaput was a joke. It was refering to all the times I've asked him to hook me up with wheels. Get in touch with Chaput and see if he will donate schwag to the event. Then you can join the long line of us who say, "hook me up, I need some wheels".

See you at the clinic,
Cliff Coleman

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