Pre-1980 Vintage Gear (6027 Posts)
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On 8/9/2001 Dave G
wrote in from
As long as it is not mislead to be an original, I see not a problem w/ selling remakes! The buyer is aware of what he's getting! And more power to the dude(s) producing them w/ honest intentions!!!
new old stuff
On 8/9/2001
hugh r
wrote in from
My Alva tribute deck is one of my most prized boards (I am sure it was sold to me at a loss to the builder!) Easily worth 150...
I would glady pay that much for a Z-flex tribute deck... HR
Re: New Old Stuff
On 8/9/2001
wrote in from
As a maker of new old stuff, I take a slight offense to those who think that we (loosly termed) are looking to "cash in" on remaking the great decks of yesteryear. I make 'em because I simply can't afford to buy let alone find the stuff. Slam me (we, us, whatever!) if you will. The cool factor is really high when I'm rippin' the parks on my '79 (oh sorry, '99) Alva 10".
$150 is not such an out of line price if it is a true home made deck. The amount of time and effort to make a jig, laminate, cut, shape, artwork, finish work is more of challenge that you might think.
Bottom line: Skate new, skate old, new/old. Just skate.
wow is right
On 8/9/2001
hugh r
wrote in from
thanks and no kidding! HR
$4550 DT
On 8/9/2001 Scabs
wrote in from
Here ya go Hugh...
WOW !!!!!!!!
DogTown Bigfoot
On 8/9/2001
hugh r
wrote in from
Anyone know the auction number for this $4500 board... I can't seem to find it... HR
new old stuff
On 8/9/2001 lone skater
wrote in from
do the new G&S boards hurt collectability? I don't know. are they reasonably priced at $85.00? that is up to the buyer. are they are at least similar to the 70's models? yes. if someone wants to be ripped off let em. not all the product is worth copying. I almost never see delamination on current boards. Road Riders used to chunk up on the inside. would an eight wheeler be interesting to ride? for some I am sure it would be. Tracker is making the mids with B-52 base plates. the new Shogo Kubo model was sold out, but had a similar shape and design to the old school classic. does that hurt a real D/T Shogo Kubo owner? I don't know about you, but sometimes I would like to ride something similar to the old school boards. I believe alot of this old stuff needs to be preserved. the re-issues may keep that stuff from being destroyed. as far as somebody pawning off imitation stuff, let the buyer beware. when the sales of junk equipment occurs, skateboarding takes a step backwards.
Over-priced copies
On 8/9/2001 GBJ
wrote in from
Wow! That's pretty extraordinary, and pretty ballsy to boot. One can only hope that the efforts of this board copier will fail miserably. I guess it counts for something that he's not trying to pass it off as real, but it is still someone trying to cash-in on the collectibility of someone else's work, by copying it. Besides, although the design on the board is that of the Paul Constantineau model, the board shape doesn't seem to be.
On 8/9/2001 Scabs
wrote in from
And if this ain`t pudding on the proof....
The seller has the gall to expect 150 bones for an imitation DT...what!?!?
GBJ, I too have 3 new school decks. One G&S, and 2 Ollie Powell re-issues boards (big and small)
On 8/9/2001 GBJ
wrote in from
Collectibility may or may not have anything to do with high performance. In the case of the Turners, it is legendary performance, a high original price that caused them to be rare, and thus both desirable and valuable as collectible boards. As for the highly collectible Dogtowndecks, it is my feeling that it is the combination of the Dogtown name, Humpston's very cool graphics and the fact that, as vert and park boards, most of them were beaten to death back then, making the survivors even more valuable. However, I have no sensation that the actual Dogtown boards ever performed any better than their contemporaries. As far as weight goes, today's regular-sized, laminated decks tend to be astoundingly lightweight, which is one of the reasons they wear out so fast. They are definitely lighter than any full-sized, concave, 80s deck I ever rode.
I guess my point is that while some young flip-trick kid my look at me like I'm from another planet, when they see me on my Turner, or some other non-modern-standard deck, I get equally awkward and judgemental looks from my own slalom peers and other older skaters, when they see the modern board in my trunk. It seems that many of us old-timers are as judgemental, unaccepting and convinced of the superiority of our position, as are many of today's younger skate generation.
see OMG
On 8/9/2001 lone skater
wrote in from
GBJ, see, if an old skool deck like a DT Bigfoot can fetch 4000+ dollars, if that is in fact true, why won't somebody remake or "clone" an original. Not that riding a Bigfoot or a Toft or even a Turner is a particularly big deal, but if that is what the customer wants......I agree that some of todays boards are good. I would like to think it is about choices. Although, I think anyone buying a $4000 deck will probably hang it on the wall and brag to their friends "look what I got and no one else does." Like artwork or a classic car that is never driven. I think you and I are lucky, we were there and remember what it was like. I chose my moniker due to the fact that more often than not I skate alone. the are not many of us that survived. I see parents of skaters at the parks younger than I am, and it freaks me out. But I will continue to skate until I can't, that in and of itself is enough to try to stay in shape.
DT Bigfoot
On 8/9/2001 Oh My God!
wrote in from
Headline: DogTown Bigfoot goes for $4550.85 on Ebay!
history again
On 8/9/2001 lone skater
wrote in from
I am not trying to go back. We are both the same age and like you, I too have never stopped or been without a deck. I currently skate one on the largest decks I can find for parks, Sector 9 Deep End or Z Flex 33 with 166's and 60 mm speed demons. I do not like the nose area of the newer boards. and I am not particularly fond of the way the foward truck is mounted. I know it can be redrilled. what I am wondering or trying to find out if there is proprietary rights to designs and material combinations. why in today's world do boards have to be so heavy when in the late 70's and early eighties they were pushing the edge. If we can have a new old G&S is there not enough profit for some company to remake or reissue other decks and wheels of the past or various improvements? are there patent limitations preventing anyone from pouring Road Riders sans the name? it appears that our purchasing power is getting some companies like Gullwing to make a similar truck from the day. check out Seismic Trucks. some of the equipment save from the day should be saved for what it is. but I would like to think in this day and age some could be copied and copied well.
On 8/9/2001
wrote in from
Y'know, lone skater, you can't go back. I'm no ollie-flipper-type, but sometimes I wonder how many skaters, returning after a 20 year hiatus, have even tried the new-school, "popsicle" decks, before putting them down or writing them off. Granted, for those of us not motivated by ollie-ing, the huge nose is a bit much; but I, as a 39 year old, who has been skating, basically non-stop, for the past 31 years, do not find that there is anything necessarily more functional about the late-70s to early-80s decks, as compared to the very latest decks on the market. I find the length, tail, and concave of my modern, knock-around deck to be completely comfortable and adequate to any task I might give it, bowl, ditch, pool, vert, etc. In fact, in everything but slalom racing, if I had to give up concave to return to something like a Kryptonic K-Beam (a board I absolutely craved, in its' time), I'd consider it a poor trade. Slalom boards are a completely different story, where much of the old equipment is still better than much of the newer equipment, but even that is starting to change.
speed symposium
On 8/9/2001 lone skater
wrote in from
Skateboarder Mag Dec 1976, speed symposium and Signal Hill Race held June 27, 1976. Sam Puccio 54 mph, prone on a 38 inch deck. following the rest of the results only Tommy Ryan placed in both speed runs and slaloms. all the "big" names were mentioned in different slalom races like Hutson, Padaca, Piercy, Hester and Skoldberg. however if you look carefully Danny Trailer and Chris Yandall were mentioned in other race results. you can see Page and Logan downhill sans helmets and any protective gear. Tommy Ryan is pictured in a skatepark. this issue even had Larry Bertleman in "Who's Hot" along with Jay Adams. Dennis Shufeldt (who to me is somewhat the father of carving downhill)is pictured downhill (standing 58 mph) and in bowls and freestyle. This goes to show you that skaters were rounded in thier skating. what I am getting at here fellow skaters is in the day if we follow our history skaters skated it all. where it appears we are at today is each venue is specialized. a skater is a longboarder, parkrider, trickster or whatever. our equipment is much better today, and at least similar in nature. somehow, boards became either the popsicle stick or huge guns. to me niether is an acceptable shape. i am happy to see G&S bring back some old style decks. i wish somebody out there woud make a re-issue or copy a Caster or K-Beam. to me there is no reason that at least the shape and form cannot be reproduced. Original pig shapes. at least a skater could carve ride bowls and begin to get into speed runnning. Slalom is a little more specialized so i understand the need for a specific board.
Old Skate Mags
On 8/8/2001 Pre-School Rider
wrote in from
Preston,I'm not sure if you are asking me to part ways with some of my mags,but my answer is no,they're mine.I did let a local Library have some way back when,but I saw that they didn't even try to preserve them(letting kids go at them with scissors to get 'cool' photos),so at that point,I decided to carefully store the rest of my collection,and meting out the info within personally.Since I've found this wonderful site,I can post up tidbits of info from those mags for those who stop by.Once I get a scanner,I'll see if Adam wants to put up reprints of stuff somewhere herein.Seeing the prices($$)of vintage skate rags on E-Bay hasn't even come close to making me want to part with them.The late 60's,70's,mid 80's and late 90's/early 00's will be considered as progressive era's for this sport,and it's changing styles,and growth,are something noteworthy enough to want my own keepsakes to show future generations.
Lone skater with pre-school stuff
On 8/8/2001
wrote in from
Hey what's up?,
I'm not sure what your skate stuff is worth but, it seems that everbody uses e-bay (pardon my language) as the all mighty refernce, sure that makes sense as far as how much money you can get, but as far as what it's worth that's only determined by how much use you can get from it.
In yuor July post you mentioned having Skateboarder mags from since '75, if you would like to sell two issuse'75,'76 please let me know, condition is not important, as long as the covers are on, I have some from '77,'78. Thanks, stay safe.
g and s
On 8/6/2001
Richard Hardcastle
wrote in from
Thanks Arab Have located the swiss guy's email address and have contacted him direct. email me on solidstate@hotmail.com we can exchange notes!
G&S Fibreflex
On 8/5/2001
wrote in from
Just updated my site: www.kickturn.com with a bunch of NOS Fibreflex boards. Always interested in trading my doubles and non NOS stuff.
Grant - There's a picture of a solid fiberglass G&S for you to compare.
Thanks - Alvin
New 70's Skateboard Site
On 8/4/2001 Joe T
wrote in from
For anyone interested in 70's Skateboard stuff me and my mates in the UK have collected together, we have knocked up a website www.skatesite.co.uk, unfortunately they have been checking out prices on ebay but hey who knows, I think prices are flexible, can ship to the US no problem.
On 8/4/2001 Boardman
wrote in from
Lone skater - you are correct. there were many overlooked slalom boards in the 70's. The Santa Cruz Hutson model was one (no one could touch the guy in the Colorado ARA race series) and another hot ticket was to take a powell Quicksilver and flip it upside down so that instead of camber it had a low center of gravity. a friend of mine did this and blew the amatuer division away. Don't want to knock the Turner's & G&S products, excellent boards and the Tuners were amazing art peices too. Love of labor for Bobby Turner.
Control CC Riders
On 8/3/2001
wrote in from
OK, who can tell me about these blue 62mm wheels I have. Very cool shape and high rebound thane. TK
Sims Pure Juice decks
On 8/3/2001
wrote in from
Vintage late 70's. I never had one but liked the logo and solid oak look. Would condsider original or make my own reproduction. Would like history of models and some measurments or templates.
Thanks Dave
Fireflex bowl,team,kick
On 8/3/2001
Richard Hardcastle
wrote in from
Thanks to Joe T for your email, Ive replied personally. In the meantime, I'm desperate to track down the guy who sold him the brand new orange Team Rider... If it's you, please mail me; solidstate@hotmail.com
Even if you have no more and don't know when or where to get em, maybe you can put my mind at rest so i can go ahead with another deal i lined up. And if you DO have more leads please mail me asap!
And that goes for anyone else reading this! Keep on skatin (as they said in the 70's!)
On 8/2/2001 Dave G
wrote in from
My Skoldberg model is drilled slightly longer than the response