Pre-1980 Vintage Gear (6027 Posts)
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On 8/29/2001
hugh r
wrote in from
Thanks Solid Skate... HR
oj bushings
On 8/29/2001 solid state
wrote in from
I think they were made by Santa Cruz in the 70's. You put them in your trucks whenever you wanted to perform a turn. The slalom guys swore by them. Other truck makers picked up on the idea and by '79 everyone wanted the new 'steering' skateboards. No good for doing daffy ducks on.
OJ bushings
On 8/28/2001
hugh r
wrote in from
Ok you vintage skate equip gurus...
Does anyone know about these bushings? HR
G&S Fiberflex Slalom
On 8/27/2001 Nate
wrote in from
Awesome board I bought new in 77 or so.Still has original grip tape,Pro-Am 2 wheels but for some reason it now has gold acs500 trucks-I cant remember what I had on it when I used to race but they were wider.I once raced at the Met center in bloomington,I ended up 2nd in the finals It was the pepsi/kahuna pro-am.The races started off a big ramp and down to the super slippery cement that went around the stadium.I am 36 now and still skate with my three kids but I have gotten a lil more cautious now. Nate
Old stuff shops
On 8/25/2001 PSR
wrote in from
Uh,DOH!! Thanks,Neil for setting the record straight.I feel Really Ignorant 'cause Oldscoolskates.net is here in the 'Links'.I just had to look twice. 8-)
On 8/24/2001
Neil G
wrote in from
You want oldschoolskateboards.net or oldschoolskates.com, two similar but different sites. Oldschoolskates.net has never existed.
On 8/24/2001 PSR
wrote in from
Anyone happen to know what happened to these guys?Was looking for some 80's parts/pieces/decks,and the online site dosen't connect.
G and S FFx
On 8/24/2001
Solid State of Sheffield
wrote in from
Finally got my baby... thanks to everyone on NCDSA who helped me get the leads that led me there...ESP> Joe T, Arab, Alvin, and Mad Rat and in particular thanks to the Night Prowler, without whom...nuff said. Cheers guys. (Still not sure if I really will ride it tho!) Richard
Re: Any Skate company
On 8/23/2001 msk
wrote in from
Talked to Ray Flores a few months back, he said they (Bulldogs) were contemplating a Ray Flores model, possibly a 36x12. In the meantime, Bulldogs is making various 10"+ oldschool pig shapes, various lengths from 32" up...
Any Skate company
On 8/23/2001
the boardman
wrote in from
Make us boards us geezers will ride! I'm talkin 11" x 36" plus PIG. Sector 9 what's up? Anyone? Anyone? ALVA - step up to the plate.
Mellow Cat
On 8/22/2001 dewey haftu
wrote in from
Thank you!
Mellow Cat
On 8/22/2001
Morro Bay Jack
wrote in from
Kurt Ledterman was Mellow Cat
Mellow Cat
On 8/22/2001 dewey haftu
wrote in from
Not a exactly product, BWTF? What was Mellow Cat's real name. I think it was Kurt Putnam, but I can't remember for sure, and it is driving me crazy. Can anyone help me so that I can sleep tonight?
On 8/22/2001 loneskater
wrote in from
goodmorning everybody, let's have some fun. check SkateBoarder Mag, Vol 6 #6, Jan 1980.... 21 years ago. Brad Bowman interview, George Greenough and Paul Gross were making extremly light boards for BB. he was told one board might last only a few hours and yet he rode for 3-4 different sessions 3 hours long. Superlight boards Graphite and Glass. the last page add in the same issue shows a Krypstix. Not the green foam one, but a laminate, looks like a decent board. Once upon a time skateboarding was on the verge of a breakthrough. I even liked some of the cutaways/cutouts/stinger designs. Even Alva had his own version of a "light beam" construction board. I ask what is wrong with with continuing the progression of the older decks. (away from the popsicle) the re-pop issue was taken way out of context buy some. i don't want to hurt the collectability of many of your collections. I am happy that you collected on your own or have the ability to Ebay your history. me, I'm not riding some of my stuff, as that is all there is, and truly some of it doesn't ride as well as we remember. once i made the transition to the wide board "pigs" i never went back. the first pig i rode was a Muir model, i refused to give up on the Majaraja's until about that time period (77). i liked the progression skateboarding was taking into the mid-eighties. since then i buy gear and ride, but i don't like it that much. (I still swear by Independents) now that i am a little older and have some purchasing power i don't understand why manufacturers other than G&S don't capitolize on it. i know through this forum that i ain't the only 39 year old skater out there. i am not longing for the old days, just some of the equipment. i have been continuously skating since 1969, east coast, west coast and in between, I have SkateBoarders and Thrashers throughout the time period to verify some history. If you don't remember history you cannot progress. skates rule!
Loose is Juice
On 8/22/2001
Kirt Kessler(Kirtis)
wrote in from
That is too funny. A kid asked to try my pig out yesterday and I said sure!!! So funny to watch him as he wobbled around on it. He asked me " Why are your trucks so loose" Loose is juice!!!! I had one kid hold his toothpick on top of the coping as ripped a one wheeler off the top of his deck. That OLD trick certianally was a hit. The little guys are really fun to watch though. I don't know if I feel old or young. Funny thing ain't it????
On 8/21/2001 boardman
wrote in from
Usually a couple of long double axle carve grinders and a frontside lapover does the trick to calm the mini masses. A slide or 2 does the trick too. They can't fathom tossing around the boats we like to ride. Alot of kids want to try (yeah, sure I'll let you ride it). Freaks 'em out when they find out trucks loose is JUICE.
On 8/21/2001 Solid State of Sheffield
wrote in from
Ok, Ok, so some of you CAN do tricks, at least in the old school sense... Anyone seen the Yorkshiremen sketch on Monty Python's Secret Policeman's Ball? That's me, that is... 'When I were a lad we'd walk all the way up a hill in t' pissin' rain an' me father 'd come an' leather me and send me down t' hill wi' me skateboard wrapped round me neck...' Well not exactly, the point bein that in my part of the world (South Yorkshire, England)in the late 1970's, we wouldnt have known what to do with a quarter pipe if it shat on us.
Old trick for the new dogs
On 8/20/2001 Herbn
wrote in from
Gliding through a tail tap/stall,with a nose grab or crailgrab,,,,, or a over the tranny(as opposed to stomping onto the platform) sweeper mmmmm yummy fun moves that do still turn heads.A sweepers not really a sweeper to me if you can bail onto the platform.
Old tricks
On 8/20/2001
Neil G
wrote in from
Just bust an old trick they haven't seen. A laid-out bert on the quarterpipe impresses them everytime. Try a non-ollie kickflip, or any old freestyle trick you used to do. It's all a matter of what they've seen before...
On 8/20/2001 Solid State of Sheffield
wrote in from
Gawd bless you Kirtis, I've had exactly the same reaction from kids, 'yeah, cool, but cant you do any, like, tricks or anything?' NO!!! Aparently even the noble art of tic-tacking is now just called 'steering'. And if even that doesnt count...
Old Bones
On 8/18/2001 Kirtis
wrote in from
Well folks, It's x Games time here in Philadelphia. I thought I'd take the time to post some observations to my oldschool pals here in this forum. First, to all of my friends on the west coast who have the luxury of seeing NEW School skating on a daily basis..God Bless you. These kids are insane. I recently stepped on a skateboard for the first time since 79. Took off to our local YMCA tennis court/skatepark. OH the pain of it all. I wore every pad imaginable. Fat Pig Board in hand...DogTown graphics to boot. I'm skating on quarter pipes with 10-17 year olds who are going like " Dude what kind of board is that" "Can you do any tricks?" I'm like NO Not really DUDE.And this is what we used to ride back in the day. Reply.."Cool, can you do any tricks?" Ok, you get it. Tricks are the rage nowadays. I felt totally out of place takin my time working my way back into shape. Eyeballs ever watching to see if I came up with some old trick they could call their own, Which I eventually did...Multiple 360's. Whoa...I found myself giving 360 lessons to 5 or six kids who absolutely sat down dizzy. Goes to show you can teach a new dog old tricks,no matter how cheesy. Anyway I't felt good. They tried to teach me to OLLIE. Maybe next summer. The backside one wheels felt great when I hit them and the frontsides came with ease. Surf style still rules, and to all of you contemplating stepping up once again at 38, 39 ,40, Don't be scared, It is a blast and comes back like you stepped off yesterday. At our age I think we need to step back and grab onto a part of our life that was a big part of our identity. Believe me, It feels good to get that idenity back. X games are great and I have been there everyday to support our sport. God bless skateboarders everywhere. Kirtis
sims superlight
On 8/18/2001
wrote in from
I would like to try and repro. the sims superlight that I had(and broke) as a kid. If anyone has pics they could send I would be grateful. Or if anyone has a superlight to trade or sell, let me know.
z inards
On 8/18/2001 herbn
wrote in from
after my blue 28.5 rocker kick split, i cut it up to see the "foam", soft packing foam is what i found .25 stuff not even laid in straight,those boards were NOT high tech.fun at the time i guess.
On 8/17/2001 PSR
wrote in from
I still have mine,waiting to get the $$ to take it downcountry to a tri-hull boat builder I know who claims he can fix it.I rode this board for ten years,hard,before the glass at the nose truck mounts went inboard.It was tossed of a third-story roof by some pranksters in high scool for a 'bounce test',which it survived,but probably shortened it's life by 3 to 6 years.Darn board was fast,fairly sturdy,and could take on ramps,banks,G.S.,downhilling,and even freestyle with having anything other than the trucks adjusted to deal with the moment at hand.I took it across the U.S.(by air,not Sk8ing)5 times,and rode it in 37 states.The p-tex was the bomb! Pulling sliding rock+rolls in the corners of pools was one of the tricks I could do that NO ONE could figure out! Of course,I'd put in a bit of concave,and beef up the truck mounts if I did a re-make.One of these days...
On 8/17/2001
wrote in from
On that same note... Anybody ever take apart a Z-Flex (molded) deck? I remember finding cardboard in the material right where the trucks would be mounted on a regular basis.