Pre-1980 Vintage Gear (6027 Posts)
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Zepher ad
On 12/2/2001 Herbn
wrote in from
Pg21 summer 75 0n skateboader pgs, Russ Howell CD ROM page of this site.
Fibreflex Bowlrider/Teamrider
On 12/1/2001
wrote in from
Has anybody tried a rockered board for slalom? I have a NOS Teamrider that`ll never be mounted but I`m trying to get Debs over at Fibreflex to re-issue it. I had a 2nd version Bowlrider back in the day specifically set up for slalom. Light flex and plenty of room for da feets. Almost identical to Arab`s Herr Vaunster (I probably misspelled it) in shape but with rocker (opposite of camber).
If any interest either contace Debs or me.
On 12/1/2001 Glen
wrote in from
skate video trivia in the Video section
On 12/1/2001 kirtis
wrote in from
Herbn could you forward me the Zephyr ad you are refering to. I'd love to see it.
downhill motion
On 11/30/2001 Steve M
wrote in from
Had a private screening of Downhill Motion at JulieCat, and Psycholoyd's house tonight. Although I've seen it before, it still strikes a chord that rings true. I highly recomend anyone who hasn't at least seen it to check it out, and if you don't own a copy, you should. Not an advertisement, just help; you can purchase it from ebay (type it in) or from pushplay.com (jack smith) either way, its about the same 14bucks with shipping, and the best skate vid. for the money hands down. Whats up brief shot of turner downhill with phoenix's...and of course soooooo much more. Is today a surf day or a skate day?!!?? roll on-
Howells CD rom
On 11/30/2001 Herbn
wrote in from
WOW!! little tidbits from way long ago,facsinating the 360 score card was cool,see who's consistant and who flubs up (i can identify with that:) also that old Zepher ad, the Adams pic is SO cool, just check out the agression,body contortion ect ,all on some heavy,twig of a skateboard with sketchy trucks and wheels. COOL
rebound trucks
On 11/28/2001
wrote in from
heh, i've got one of those glen, and its an odd bird indeed. i've never tried it but i've heard they are too floppy for any speed. those crazy double kingpins...sheesh!
more vintge trucks
On 11/28/2001 Glen
wrote in from
Mad Trucks
On 11/28/2001 Joe T
wrote in from
Checkout these trucks, I must admit I think it may have given a few people ideas
On 11/28/2001 Glen
wrote in from
It's genuine. They made a bunch that were mainly for consumer markets in the 70's. You wouldn't have found this one at Val Surf, possibly Big-5.
Not worth much.
G&S E-Bay
On 11/28/2001 STEVIE B
wrote in from
Anyone recognise this as a genuine G&S board it looks the part and the 3 hole truck pattern must put it around 75 or earlier http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1037041556
Greg Taie
On 11/27/2001 kirtis
wrote in from
Greg Taie was also a choice in Skateboarder Magizines 1977 Ballot for outstanding skateboarder along our always wise and colorful Chris Chaput.
Source: Skateboarder Magizine Vol. 4 #5 page 117
Split axles
On 11/25/2001 Duane
wrote in from
Finally another set of split axles like mine. Mine are the earliest, with no tip on the kingpin for the support plates. I had a hazy memory that the plates were a secondary response to complaints of broken kingpins. A board that just showed up on ebay has splits with no tips. Anyhow, if someone must have a set, they're up there now.
Greg Taie
On 11/24/2001 Herbn
wrote in from
I looked through my quick access oldy mags here at the shop but no Taie references,as far as i can remember he was an early (70s)G&S team member ,i seem to recall his models being small 25,26 inch cutaways,he may have been sort of overshadowed by Hester(care to comment?)perhaps a flatground wiggler,I'm just starting to guess or fill in between the lines,later.
Greg Tye
On 11/23/2001
wrote in from
Thanx Claude Can somebody tell me who is Greg Tye?
motorised board
On 11/23/2001
Paul K
wrote in from
just checked he pic on eBay. That deck looks remarkably like an English Benjy board comp or comp 2 (but without the BB insert) if you ever fel the need to replace the deck a few NOS ones are still about
Paul K UK knucklehead
Vintage Motoboard (?)
On 11/23/2001
wrote in from
Now that I've had the pleasure of paying too much for this:
I'd like to be able to put it right as original. Does anyone have an old mag issue or other source that shows what this looked like originally ? The gas tank is missing and I'd like to put one on that looks original. I've wanted one of these things for as long as I can remember. Looks like this one is pretty good, that may be a great original graphic on the top, or a Grateful Dead dancing bears sticker. I love the v-lam, a Motoboard with soul, what more could you ask for ? I was waiting for the dreaded hugh308 to swoop down on this auction, didn'thappen, he probably already has one.
Ive seen the future
On 11/23/2001 NostradamuSSS
wrote in from
In the future... I see... inflatable bearings... pneumatic bushings... hydraulic suspension on trucks... and.... and... and... and... and... no, sorry Ive lost it.
Wings and Things
On 11/23/2001 Steve Church
wrote in from
StevieB - I read that Benjyboard had the company who poured Wings make their superboots - hence the similarity. I think it was mentioned in an old copy of 'Skateboard'.
On 11/22/2001 Paul d.
wrote in from
Duane,Scabs, the cal-240 is on it's way to my house, thanks. It's funny how many of those little boards there were and how much fun kids got out of them. Nobody cared how crappy they were, it was fun to just role around.
On 11/22/2001 Stevie B
wrote in from
The Glen E Friedman original photos of Jay Adams are up on E-bay UK its charity auction but not sure of cause http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1037323462
WIngs & Things
On 11/22/2001 STEVIEB1
wrote in from
re wings wheels I always found Benjyboard Boots & superboots very similar take a look http://www.britishskateboardmuseum.i8.com/boots.htm
Do you think the guy selling that bunch of skategear would take a pair of gold wedding rings(no longer required) in exchange:-) Another guy I worry about used to buy on e-bay using the name'wifesgonakillme' sadly I haven't seen him on there in a while and wonder did she?
All boards
On 11/22/2001 NostradamuSSS
wrote in from
In the future...New school skate equipment shall be called old school and we'll all be riding clay trucks and steel decks with open washers.
NOS Gullwing bushings
On 11/21/2001 BoBo
wrote in from
For those of you interested. There is a NOS set of Gullwing bushings on eBay right now.
On 11/21/2001 PSR
wrote in from
Made for Gullwing by the same guys that did Belair wheels.Extra nice touch,they were lathed round,thus were quite fast out of the box.